\name{probeset.stats} \alias{probeset.stats} \title{ Generates summary statistics showing intron, exon and gene hits for the spefied probeset list } \description{ Each column represent the uniqueness of a probeset's hits to the genome, exons or introns. Each value in a column is 0 or a positive integer. If the value is zero then one or more probes within the probeset do not match the genome (or exons, or introns). Values of 1 correspond to probesets where each probe matches once and only once; values > 1 correspond to probesets where 1 or more probes hit multiple times. For more details see the package vignette. } \usage{ probeset.stats(probesets) } \arguments{ \item{probesets}{ a probeset list } } \value{ A data frame with gene, exon and intron matches for each probeset. } \references{\url{ http://bioinformatics.picr.man.ac.uk/}} \author{ Crispin. J. Miller, Michal Okoniewski } \seealso{ \code{\link{select.probewise}} \code{\link{exclude.probewise}}} \keyword{ misc } \examples{ if(interactive()) { xmapConnect() probesets <- gene.to.probeset("ENSG00000005893"); probeset.stats(probesets) } }