\name{makeShapeDiffCon} \alias{makeShapeDiffCon} \title{Constructing a shape parameter difference constraint} \description{ This function constructs a \texttt{shapeDiffCon} object representing a constraint on the unknown position weight matrix that requires the the difference between the information content at the edge of one interval and the information content at the edge of another interval to be bounded betwene given bounds. This constraint may only be applied to intervals that already have a shape constraint. } \usage{ makeShapeDiffCon(int1, int2, lower, upper) } \arguments{ \item{int1}{\code{character} the location of the first information content of interest. This is specified as the number of the interval followed by the letter \code{a} or \code{b} depending on whether the left or right edge of the interval is desired.} \item{int2}{\code{character} the location of the second information content of interest. This is specified as the number of the interval followed by the letter \code{a} or \code{b} depending on whether the left or right edge of the interval is desired.} \item{lower}{\code{numeric} the lower bound on the difference in information contents.} \item{upper}{\code{numeric} the upper bound on the difference in information contents.} } \details{ } \value{ An object of class \texttt{shapeDiffCon}. } \author{ Fabian Gallusser, \email{fgallusser@berkeley.edu} } \seealso{ \code{\link{boundCon}}, \code{\link{shapeCon}}, \code{\link{subMotifCon}}, \code{\link{posFreqCon}}, \code{\link{shapeDiffCon}}, \code{\link{palCon}} } \examples{ ## continuous information content across interval 1 sdc1 <- makeShapeDiffCon("1a", "1b", 0.0, 0.0) ## continuous information content at junction ## between intervals 1 and 2 sdc2 <- makeShapeDiffCon("1b", "2a", 0.0, 0.0) ## decreasing information content across interval 1 sdc3 <- makeShapeDiffCon("1a", "1b", 0.0, 2.0) } \keyword{misc}