\name{mutualInfo} \alias{mutualInfo} \alias{mutualInfo,matrix-method} \alias{mutualInfo,ExpressionSet-method} \alias{MIdist} \alias{MIdist,matrix-method} \alias{MIdist,ExpressionSet-method} \title{Mutual Information} \description{ Calculate mutual information via binning } \usage{ mutualInfo(x, \dots) MIdist(x, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an n by p matrix or ExpressionSet; if x is an ExpressionSet, then the function uses its 'exprs' slot.} \item{\dots}{arguments passed to \code{mutualInfo} and \code{MIdist}: \item{nbin}{number of bins to calculate discrete probabilities; default is 10.} \item{diag}{if TRUE, then the diagonal of the distance matrix will be displayed; default is FALSE.} \item{upper}{if TRUE, then the upper triangle of the distance matrix will be displayed; default is FALSE.} \item{sample}{for ExpressionSet methods, if TRUE, then distances are computed between samples, otherwise, between genes.} } } \details{ For \code{mutualInfo} each row of \code{x} is divided into \code{nbin} groups and then the mutual information is computed, treating the data as if they were discrete. For \code{MIdist} we use the transformation proposed by Joe (1989), \eqn{\delta^* = (1 - \exp(-2 \delta))^{1/2}}{delta* = (1 - exp(-2 delta))^.5} where \eqn{\delta}{delta} is the mutual information. The \code{MIdist} is then \eqn{1 = \delta^*}{1-delta*}. Joe argues that this measure is then similar to Kendall's tau, \code{\link{tau.dist}}. } \value{ An object of class \code{dist} which contains the pairwise distances. } \references{H. Joe, Relative Entropy Measures of Multivariate Dependence, JASA, 1989, 157-164.} \author{Robert Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{dist}}, \code{\link{KLdist.matrix}}, \code{\link{cor.dist}}, \code{\link{KLD.matrix}}} \examples{ x <- matrix(rnorm(100), nrow = 5) mutualInfo(x, nbin = 3) } \keyword{manip}