\name{normalizeLoci.SNP} \alias{normalizeLoci.SNP} \concept{SnpSetIllumina} \title{locus normalization} \description{ Perform locus normalization on Illumina Golden Gate bead arrays } \usage{ normalizeLoci.SNP(object, method=c("normals","paired"), NorTum="NorTum", Gender="Gender", Subject="Subject", normalizeTo=2, trig=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{object} class SnpSetIllumina} \item{method}{character. If \code{"normals"} then all normal samples in the dataset are used as the invariant set. If \code{"paired"} then affected samples are normalized to their paired normal samples} \item{NorTum}{logical or character vector or name of column in \code{pData} slot. depicts the normal, unaffected samples in the dataset. In a character vector these should have the value \code{"N"}} \item{Gender}{logical or character vector or name of column in \code{pData} slot. depicts the female samples in the dataset and is used to normalize the sex chromosomes. In a character vector these should have value \code{"F"}} \item{Subject}{factor or name of or column in \code{pData} slot. This factor is used to pair the samples when \code{method} is \code{"paired"}} \item{normalizeTo}{\code{normalizeTo} numeric. The average copy number of the sample.} \item{trig}{Logical, use geometric distance of intensity. Otherwise use addition of intensities} } \details{ This function is usually performed in the last step of normalization in order to obtain calculated copy numbers. } \value{ This function returns an \code{SnpSetIllumina} object. } \author{Jan Oosting} \seealso{ \code{\link{SnpSetIllumina}},\code{\link{normalizeWithinArrays.SNP}}, \code{\link{normalizeBetweenAlleles.SNP}} } \examples{ data(chr17.260) data.nrm<-normalizeLoci.SNP(chr17.260) } \keyword{manip}