\name{matchAffyProbes} \alias{matchAffyProbes} \alias{mmProbes} \title{ Match the probes on an Affymetrix array } \description{ Match the individual probes on an Affymetrix array to arbitrary targets. } \usage{ mmProbes(probes) matchAffyProbes(probes, targets, chip_type, matchmm = TRUE, selectMatches = function(x) which(countIndex(x) > 0), ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{probes}{ a \code{probetable} object } \item{targets}{ a vector of references } \item{chip_type}{a name for the chip type.} \item{matchmm}{whether to match MM probes or not} \item{selectMatches}{a function to select matches (see Details).} \item{...}{further arguments to be passed to \code{matchPDict}.} } \details{ The matching is performed by the function \code{\link[Biostrings]{matchPDict}}. The man page for that function will indicate what are the options it accepts. In the case where a large number targets are given, like when each target represents a possible mRNA, is it expected to have a largely sparce incidence matrix, that is a low number of probes matching every target. For that reason, only the index of matching probes are associated with each given target, with the function \code{selectMatches} giving the definition of what are matching probes. The default function just count anything matching, but the user can specify a more stringent definition if wanted. } \value{ \code{mmProbes} returns a vector of MM probe sequences. \code{matchAffyProbes} returns an instance of \code{AffyProbesMatch-class}. } \author{ Laurent Gautier } \note{ %As outlined in Section Details, the structure can be } \seealso{ \code{\link[Biostrings]{matchPDict}} for details on how the matching is performed, \code{\link{AffyProbesMatch-class}} and \code{\link{buildCdfEnv.biostrings}}} \examples{ library(hgu133aprobe) filename <- system.file("exampleData", "sample.fasta", package="altcdfenvs") fasta.seq <- readFASTA(filename) targets <- unlist(lapply(fasta.seq, "[[", "seq")) names(targets) <- lapply(fasta.seq, "[[", "desc") names(targets) <- sub("^>.+\\\|(NM[^ \\\|]+|Hs[^ \\\|]+)\\\|? .+$", "\\\1", names(targets)) m <- matchAffyProbes(hgu133aprobe, targets, "HG-U133A") } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ manip }