\name{probes2table} \alias{probes2table} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Convert Affy Probe ids to Annotated HTML Table } \description{ A function to convert a vector of Affy ids to an annotated HTML table. } \usage{ probes2table(eset, probids, lib, otherdata = NULL, anncols = aaf.handler()[c(1:3, 6:7, 9:12)], html = TRUE, text = FALSE, express = TRUE, save = FALSE, filename) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{eset}{ An \code{ExpressionSet} containing Affy expression values.} \item{probids}{ A vector of probe ids. } \item{lib}{ An annotation package for the Affy chips used. } \item{otherdata}{A *named* list of additional information to include in the resulting table. Examples would be t-statistics, p-values, fold change, etc. Each list item should be a vector the same length as the probids vector. The name associated with each list item will be used as the column name in the resulting table.} \item{anncols}{ A vector of things to annotate, produced by a call to aaf.handler().} \item{html}{ Output data in HTML tables? Defaults to \code{TRUE}. } \item{text}{ Output data in text tables? Defaults to \code{TRUE}. } \item{express}{ Output expression values in table? Defaults to \code{TRUE}. } \item{save}{ Should tables be saved as R objects for further processing? Defaults to \code{FALSE}. } \item{filename}{ Filename of the resulting HTML table.} } \value{ If \code{save} is \code{TRUE}, a \code{data.frame} is saved containing the data. } \author{ James W. MacDonald } \seealso{ \code{\link[limma]{topTable}}, \code{\link[annaffy]{aafTableAnn}} } \keyword{ manip }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS