\name{getUniqueLL} \alias{getUniqueLL} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Subset a Vector of Probesets} \description{ This function will take a vector of Affy IDs and return a vector of Entrez IDs that have replicated IDs removed. The resulting vector will still have the corresponding Affy IDs appended as names, which is important for some functions. } \usage{ getUniqueLL(probes, annot) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{probes}{ A vector of probe IDs} \item{annot}{The annotation package for the chip used} } \details{ Subsetting a set of Affy IDs to unique Entrez Gene IDs is a common thing to do prior to doing a hypergeometric test. Functions such as \code{\link[Category]{hyperGtest}} can use un-named vectors of Entrez IDs (e.g., unique(getLL(probeIDs, annot))), but there is some functionality that requires the Entrez Gene IDs to be in a named vector, with the names being the associated Probeset IDs. As an example, \code{hyperGoutput} will only work correctly if the input Entrez ID vector is named with the associated Probeset IDs. } \value{ A named vector of unique Entrez IDs } \author{James W. MacDonald } \keyword{manip}