\name{splitObjects} \alias{splitAffyBatch} \alias{splitFileVector} \alias{splitMatrix} \title{Functions to split objects into parts} \description{ Functions to split an \link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}, a \code{list} of files and a \code{matrix} into several objects for distributed computing. If possible objects will be of the same size. } \usage{ splitAffyBatch(abatch, number.part) splitFileVector(fileVec, number.part) splitMatrix(matrix, number.part) } \arguments{ \item{abatch}{ An object of class \link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}. } \item{fileVec}{ A \code{character} vector containing the names of the files. } \item{matrix}{ An object of class \link[base]{matrix}. } \item{number.part}{ Number of parts to split the object } } \details{ \item{\code{splitAffyBatch}}{Splits an \link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch} into a list of AffyBatches. } \item{\code{splitFileVector}}{Splits a \code{character} vector of file names into a list of \code{character} vectors with file names. } \item{\code{splitMatrix}}{Splits a \code{matrix} by columns into a \code{list} of matrices.} These functions use the functions \link[snow:snow-internal]{splitIndices} and \link[snow:snow-internal]{splitCols} from the \code{SNOW} package. } \value{ A \code{list} of the split objects. } \author{ Markus Schmidberger \email{schmidb@ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de}, Ulrich Mansmann \email{mansmann@ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de} } \examples{ library(affyPara) if (require(affydata)) { data(Dilution) spAffyB <- splitAffyBatch(Dilution, 2) } } \keyword{programming}