\name{affyParaIntern} \alias{initAffyBatchSF} \alias{getAffyBatchSF} \alias{getIntensitySF} \alias{getCompIntensitySF} \alias{getCompIntensityMatrixSF} \alias{getFUNAffyBatchSF} \alias{writeLinesSF} \alias{ReadHeaderSF} \alias{getObjectType} \alias{checkPartSize} \title{ Internal affyPara objects / functions } \description{ Internal functions for the \code{affyPara} package. } \usage{ initAffyBatchSF(object, object.type) getAffyBatchSF() getIntensitySF(rows, refindexname) getCompIntensitySF(rows) getCompIntensityMatrixSF(rows, drop=FALSE) getFUNAffyBatchSF(FUN) writeLinesSF(data, fileName) ReadHeaderSF(object) getObjectType(object) checkPartSize(object, number.parts) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object of class \link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch} OR a \code{character} vector with the names of CEL files OR a (partitioned) list of \code{character} vectors with CEL file names.} \item{object.type}{ Declaration for the type of the argument \code{object}: "AffyBatch", "CELfileVec", "partCELfileList" } \item{rows}{ Number of rows which have to be changed. } \item{refindexname}{ The name of the array used as a reference. } \item{drop}{ A logical value. If \code{TRUE} the dimensions of an array which have only one level will be deleted. } \item{FUN}{ A function generating a value from a an \link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}. e.g. \code{dim} } \item{data}{ A \code{character} vector, containing the data for the file.} \item{fileName}{ A \code{character} string with the file name.} \item{number.parts}{ Number of nodes in the computer cluster.} } \details{ Internal functions for the \code{affyPara} package. The functions have to be used in a cluster function (e.g. \link[snow:snow-cluster]{clusterApply}) from the SNOW package. \item{\code{initAffyBatchSF}}{ Slavefunction for initializing an \link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch} at slaves. \link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch} will be stored in the \link[base:environment]{.GlobalEnv} with the name 'AffyBatch'.} \item{\code{getAffyBatchSF}}{ Slavefunction to get an \link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch} from slaves. Gets the object \link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch} from the \link[base:environment]{.GlobalEnv}. } \item{\code{getIntensitySF}}{ Slavefunction to get special values from the intensity matrix from slaves.} \item{\code{getCompIntensitySF}}{ Slavefunction to get special rows from the intensity matrix from slaves.} \item{\code{getCompIntensityMatrixSF}}{ Slavefunction to get complete intensity matrix from slaves.} \item{\code{getFUNAffyBatchSF}}{ Slavefunction to get a value from an \link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch} at slaves.} \item{\code{writeLinesSF}}{ Slavefunction to write data into a file at slaves.} \item{\code{ReadHeaderSF}}{ Slavefunction to return Header-Informations from CEL Files at slaves. } \item{\code{getObjectType}}{ Function to get type from object.} \item{\code{checkPartSize}}{ Function to check object for length.} } \author{ Markus Schmidberger \email{schmidb@ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de}, Ulrich Mansmann \email{mansmann@ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de} } \keyword{programming}