\name{read.probematrix} \alias{read.probematrix} \title{Read CEL file data into PM or MM matrices} \description{ Read CEL data into matrices. } \usage{ read.probematrix(..., filenames = character(0), phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame"), description = NULL, notes = "", compress = getOption("BioC")$affy$compress.cel, rm.mask = FALSE, rm.outliers = FALSE, rm.extra = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,which="pm", cdfname = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{ file names separated by comma.} \item{filenames}{ file names in a character vector.} \item{phenoData}{ a \code{\link[Biobase:class.AnnotatedDataFrame]{AnnotatedDataFrame}} object} \item{description}{ a \code{\link[Biobase:class.MIAME]{MIAME}} object } \item{notes}{ notes } \item{compress}{are the CEL files compressed ?} \item{rm.mask}{ should the spots marked as 'MASKS' set to \code{NA} ? } \item{rm.outliers}{ should the spots marked as 'OUTLIERS' set to \code{NA} } \item{rm.extra}{ if \code{TRUE}, overrides what is in \code{rm.mask} and \code{rm.oultiers} } \item{verbose}{ verbosity flag } \item{which}{should be either "pm", "mm" or "both"} \item{cdfname}{Used to specify the name of an alternative cdf package. If set to \code{NULL}, the usual cdf package based on Affymetrix' mappings will be used.} } \value{ A list of one or two matrices. Each matrix is either PM or MM data. No \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} is created. } \author{Ben Bolstad \email{bmb@bmbolstad.com}} \seealso{\code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}}, \code{\link[affy:read.affybatch]{read.affybatch}}} \keyword{manip}