\name{normalize.constant} \alias{normalize.constant} \alias{normalize.AffyBatch.constant} \title{Scale probe intensities} \description{ Scale array intensities in a \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}}. } \usage{ normalize.AffyBatch.constant(abatch, refindex=1, FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE) normalize.constant(x, refconstant, FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{abatch}{ an instance of the \code{\link{AffyBatch-class}}.} \item{x}{a vector of intensities on a chip (to normalize to the reference).} \item{refindex}{the index of the array used as a reference.} \item{refconstant}{the constant used as a reference} \item{FUN}{A function generating a value from the intensities on an array. Typically \code{mean} or \code{median}.} \item{na.rm}{Paramater passed to the function FUN.} } \value{ %A \code{\link[Biobase]{container-class}} of normalized objects. An \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} with an attribute "constant" holding the value of the factor used for scaling. } \author{ L. Gautier } \seealso{ \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} } \keyword{manip}