\name{normalize} \alias{normalize} \title{Normalize - generic} \description{ A generic function which normalizes microarray data. Normalization is intended to remove from the intensity measures any systematic trends which arise from the microarray technology rather than from differences between the probes or between the target RNA samples hybridized to the arrays. } \usage{ normalize(object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{a data object containing microarray data} \item{...}{any other arguments} } \seealso{ Type \code{showMethods("normalize")} at the R prompt to see what methods are available. Help on individual methods is generally available as \code{normalize}. where is the class of the data object. For example, for the main class in the \code{affy} package use \code{?normalize.AffyBatch}. Other Bioconductor packages include some related generic functions: \code{\link[limma]{normalizeWithinArrays}}, and \code{\link[limma]{normalizeBetweenArrays}}, in the LIMMA package, and \code{\link[marrayNorm]{maNorm}} in the marrayNorm package. } \keyword{models}