\name{generateExprSet-method} \docType{methods} \alias{generateExprSet-methods} \alias{computeExprSet} \alias{generateExprSet.methods} \alias{upDate.generateExprSet.methods} \title{generate a set of expression values} \description{ Generate a set of expression values from the probe pair information. The set of expression is returned as an \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}} object. } \usage{ computeExprSet(x, pmcorrect.method, summary.method, ...) generateExprSet.methods() upDate.generateExprSet.methods(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a \code{\link[=AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} holding the probe level informations to generate the expression values, for computeExprSet, and for upDate.generateExprSet.methods it is a character vector..} \item{pmcorrect.method}{the method used to correct PM values (see section 'details').} \item{summary.method}{the method used to generate the expression value (see section 'details').} \item{...}{any of the options of the normalization you would like to modify} } \details{ An extra argument \code{ids=} can be passed. It must be a vector of affids. The expression values will only be computed and returned for these affyids. The different methods available through this mecanism can be accessed by calling the method \code{generateExprSet.methods} with an object of call \code{Cel.container} as an argument. In the Affymetrix design, \emph{MM} probes were included to measure the noise (or background signal). The original algorithm for background correction was to subtract the \emph{MM} signal to the \emph{PM} signal. The methods currently inclluded in the package are "bg.correct.subtractmm", "bg.correct.pmonly" and "bg.correct.adjust". To alter the available methods for generating ExprSets use upDate.generateExprSet.methods. } \seealso{ method \code{generateExprSet} of the class \code{\link[=AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}}\cr \code{\link{expresso}} } \examples{ if (require(affydata)) { data(Dilution) ids <- c( "1000_at","1001_at") eset <- computeExprSet(Dilution, pmcorrect.method="pmonly", summary.method="avgdiff", ids=ids) } } \keyword{manip}