\name{cdfFromBioC} \alias{cdfFromBioC} \alias{cdfFromLibPath} \alias{cdfFromEnvironment} \title{Functions to obtain CDF files} \description{ A set of functions to obtain CDF files from various locations. } \usage{ cdfFromBioC(cdfname, lib = .libPaths()[1], verbose = TRUE) cdfFromLibPath(cdfname, lib = NULL, verbose=TRUE) cdfFromEnvironment(cdfname, where, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{cdfname}{ The CDF desired } \item{lib}{ Directory to install the CDF package to } \item{where}{What environment to search} \item{verbose}{Controls extra output} } \details{ These functions all take a requested CDF environment name and will attempt to locate that environment in the appropriate location (a package's data directory, as a CDF package in the .libPaths(), from a loaded environment or on the Bioconductor website. If the environment can not be found, it will return a list of the methods tried that failed. } \value{ The CDF environment or a list detailing the failed locations. } \author{Jeff Gentry} \keyword{utilities}