\name{bg.correct} \alias{bg.correct} \alias{bg.correct.none} %took out .pmonly casue rma is pm-only %\alias{bg.correct.subtractmm} \alias{bg.correct.rma} \alias{bg.correct.mas} \title{Background Correction} \description{ Background corrects probe intensities in an object of class \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}}. } \usage{ bg.correct(object, method, ...) bg.correct.rma(object,...) bg.correct.mas(object, griddim) bg.correct.none(object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of class \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}}.} \item{method}{A \code{character} that defines what background correction method will be used. Available methods are given by \code{bg.correct.methods}. } \item{griddim}{grid dimension used for mas background estimate. The array is divided into griddm equal parts. Default is 16.} \item{...}{arguments to pass along to the engine function.} } \details{ The name of the method to apply must be double-quoted. Methods provided with the package are currently: \itemize{ \item bg.correct.none: returns \code{object} unchanged. \item bg.correct.chipwide: noise correction as described in a `white paper' from Affymetrix. \item bg.correct.rma: the model based correction used by the RMA expression measure. } They are listed in the variable \code{bg.correct.methods}. The user must supply the word after "bg.correct", i.e none, subtractmm, rma, etc... More details are available in the vignette. R implementations similar in function to the internal implemntation used by \code{bg.correct.rma} are in \code{\link{bg.adjust}}. } \value{ An \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} for which the intensities have been background adjusted. For some methods (RMA), only PMs are corrected and the MMs remain the same. } \examples{ if (require(affydata)) { data(Dilution) ##bgc will be the bg corrected version of Dilution bgc <- bg.correct(Dilution, method="rma") ##This plot shows the tranformation plot(pm(Dilution)[,1],pm(bgc)[,1],log="xy", main="PMs before and after background correction") } } \keyword{manip}