%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Do not modify this file since it was automatically generated from: % % convertCel.R % % by the Rdoc compiler part of the R.oo package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \name{convertCel} \alias{convertCel} \title{Converts a CEL into the same CEL but with another format} \usage{convertCel(filename, outFilename, readMap=NULL, writeMap=NULL, version="4", ..., .validate=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)} \description{ Converts a CEL into the same CEL but with another format. Currently only CEL files in version 4 (binary/XDA) can be written. However, any input format is recognized. } \arguments{ \item{filename}{The pathname of the original CEL file.} \item{outFilename}{The pathname of the destination CEL file. If the same as the source file, an exception is thrown.} \item{readMap}{An optional read map for the input CEL file.} \item{writeMap}{An optional write map for the output CEL file.} \item{version}{The version of the output file format.} \item{...}{Not used.} \item{.validate}{If \code{\link[base:logical]{TRUE}}, a consistency test between the generated and the original CEL is performed.} \item{verbose}{If \code{\link[base:logical]{TRUE}}, extra details are written while processing.} } \value{ Returns (invisibly) \code{\link[base:logical]{TRUE}} if a new CEL was generated, otherwise \code{\link[base:logical]{FALSE}}. } \section{Benchmarking of ASCII and binary CELs}{ Binary CELs are much faster to read than ASCII CELs. Here are some example for reading complete CELs (the differnce is even larger when reading CELs in subsets): \itemize{ \item To do } } \examples{ ############################################################## if (require("AffymetrixDataTestFiles")) { # START # ############################################################## # Search for some available Calvin CEL files path <- system.file("rawData", package="AffymetrixDataTestFiles") files <- findFiles(pattern="[.](cel|CEL)$", path=path, recursive=TRUE, firstOnly=FALSE) files <- grep("FusionSDK_Test3", files, value=TRUE) files <- grep("Calvin", files, value=TRUE) file <- files[1] outFile <- file.path(tempdir(), gsub("[.]CEL$", ",XBA.CEL", basename(file))) if (file.exists(outFile)) file.remove(outFile) convertCel(file, outFile, .validate=TRUE) ############################################################## } # STOP # ############################################################## } \author{Henrik Bengtsson (\url{http://www.braju.com/R/})} \seealso{ \code{\link{createCel}}(). } \keyword{file} \keyword{IO}