\name{symbolsInteresting} \alias{symbolsInteresting} \title{Useful for changing the look of pairs plots to emphasize concordant or discordant genes} \description{ This function can be used to order genes in a matrix by the rank of a statistic and provide different plotting symbols and colors for genes that exceed a certain threshold of the ranking statistic. } \usage{ symbolsInteresting(rankingStatistic, percentile = 0.9, colors = c("grey50", "royalblue"), symbols = c(".", "o"), size = c(3, 1), background = c("white", "grey70")) } \arguments{ \item{rankingStatistic}{ Any numerical vector } \item{percentile}{A percentile of the rankingStatistic -- above which a gene would be classified as 'interesting'} \item{colors}{character string of length 2: a color for genes not exceeding the percentile and a color for genes exceeding the thresold} \item{symbols}{two plotting symbols (numeric or character): symbol for genes not exceeding percentile and symbol for genes exceeding percentile} \item{size}{numeric vector of length 2: size of plotting symbol for genes not exceeding percentile and size of plotting symbol for genes exceeding percentile } \item{background}{character vector of length 2: background color of plotting symbols for gene not exceeding percentile and for genes exceeding the percentile} } \value{ \item{order}{the order of the rankingStatistic} \item{pch}{plotting symbols (same length as rankingStatistic)} \item{col}{color of plotting symbols (same length as rankingStatistic)} \item{bg}{background color of plotting symbols (same length as rankingStatistic)} \item{cex}{size of plotting symbols (same length as rankingStatistic)} } \author{R. Scharpf} \examples{ data(expressionSetList) data(xmcmc) bes <- bayesianEffectSize(xmcmc) postAvg <- posteriorAvg(xmcmc) op.conc <- symbolsInteresting(rankingStatistic=postAvg[, "concordant"]) graphics:::pairs(bes[op.conc$order, ], pch=op.conc$pch, col=op.conc$col, bg=op.conc$bg, upper.panel=NULL, cex=op.conc$cex) } \keyword{dplot}