\name{translateIntactID} \alias{translateIntactID} \title{A function that translates the IntAct accession codes for molecules to other common identifiers.} \description{ The \code{translateIntactID} takes 3 parameters, either an intactGraph or intactHyperGraph S-4 Class, a vector of IntAct accession codes, and a vector of other identifiers. Then for the particular graph object, translateIntactID will map those IntAct accession codes to the other identifiers if possible. } \usage{ translateIntactID(r,...) } \arguments{ \item{r}{Either an intactGraph or intactHyperGraph S-4 Class.} \item{...}{The primary use of this generic are as methods for the in intactGraph S-4 class and the intactHyperGraph S-4 class. In both two more parameters need for the method. The first is "ebiNames" which is a character vector of the IntAct accession codes to be mapped. The second is "toWhat" which is a character vector of identifier names. These identifiers are limited to the following: "uniprotId", "geneName", "fullName", "locusName", and "orfName"} } \value{ A character matrix. The rows are indexed by the IntAct accession codes supplied and the columns are indexed by the identifiers supplied. } \references{Rintact: enabling computational analysis of molecular interaction data from the IntAct repository - Tony Chiang; Nianhua Li; Sandra Orchard; Samuel Kerrien; Henning Hermjakob; Robert Gentleman; Wolfgang Huber Bioinformatics 2007; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm518.} \author{T Chiang} \seealso{\code{\link{intactGraph-class}}, \code{\link{intactHyperGraph-class}}} \examples{ # parse complex data } \keyword{ models }