\name{dominatorTree} \alias{dominatorTree} \title{Compute dominator tree from a vertex in a directed graph } \description{Compute dominator tree from a vertex in a directed graph} \usage{ dominatorTree(g, start=nodes(g)[1]) } \arguments{ \item{g}{a directed graph, one instance of the \code{graph} class } \item{start}{a vertex in graph \code{g} } } \details{ As stated in documentation on Lengauer Tarjan dominator tree in Boost Graph Library: A vertex u dominates a vertex v, if every path of directed graph from the entry to v must go through u. This function builds the dominator tree for a directed graph. } \value{ Output is a vector, giving each node its immediate dominator. } \references{ Boost Graph Library ( www.boost.org/libs/graph/doc/index.html ) } \author{Li Long