\name{sigxy.plot} \alias{sigxy.plot} \title{Visualisation of significance tests for spatial bias} \description{This function produces a 2D-plot visualizing the significance of spatial bias.} \usage{sigxy.plot(Sp,Sn,color.lim=c(-3,3),...) } \arguments{\item{Sp}{matrix of false discovery rates or p-values for positive deviation of \eqn{\bar{M}}{median/mean of \code{M}} as produced by \code{fdrspatial} or \code{p.spatial}} \item{Sn}{matrix of false discovery rate or p-values for negative deviation of \eqn{\bar{M}}{median/mean of \code{M}} as produced by \code{fdrspatial} or \code{p.spatial}} \item{color.lim}{limits of color range for plotting vector corresponding to log10(\code{pS}) and log10(\code{nS})} \item{...}{Further optional graphical parameter for the \code{image} function generating the MXY plot} } \details{The function \code{sigxy.plot} produces a 2d-plot presenting the significance (\code{pS},\code{nS}) generated by \code{fdrint} or \code{p.spatial}. The significance \code{Sp} for positive \eqn{\bar{M}}{median/mean of \code{M}} of spatial spot neighbourhoods are presented by red colour; the significance(\code{Sn}) for negative \eqn{\bar{M}}{median/mean of \code{M}} of spatial spot neighbourhoods are presented by green colour.} \author{Matthias E. Futschik (\url{http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~futschik})} \seealso{\code{\link{colorbar.sig}}, \code{\link{fdr.spatial}}, \code{\link{p.spatial}}, \code{\link{image}}, \code{\link{p.spatial}}} \examples{ # To run these examples, "un-comment" them! # # LOADING DATA # data(sw) # # M <- v2m(maM(sw)[,1],Ngc=maNgc(sw),Ngr=maNgr(sw), # Nsc=maNsc(sw),Nsr=maNsr(sw),main="MXY plot of SW-array 1") # # CALCULATION OF SIGNIFICANCE OF SPOT NEIGHBOURHOODS # This can take a while! For testing, you may choose a smaller N. # FDR <- fdr.spatial(M,delta=2,N=100,av="median",edgeNA=TRUE) # sigxy.plot(FDR$FDRp,FDR$FDRn,color.lim=c(-5,5),main="FDR") # # LOADING NORMALISED DATA # data(sw.olin) # M <- v2m(maM(sw.olin)[,1],Ngc=maNgc(sw.olin),Ngr=maNgr(sw.olin), # Nsc=maNsc(sw.olin),Nsr=maNsr(sw.olin),main="MXY plot of SW-array 1") # # CALCULATION OF SIGNIFICANCE OF SPOT NEIGHBOURHOODS # FDR <- fdr.spatial(M,delta=2,N=100,av="median",edgeNA=TRUE) # VISUALISATION OF RESULTS # sigxy.plot(FDR$FDRp,FDR$FDRn,color.lim=c(-5,5),main="FDR") # # # CALCULATION OF SIGNIFICANCE OF SPOT NEIGHBOURHOODS # P <- p.spatial(M,delta=2,N=-1,av="median",p.adjust.method="holm") # VISUALISATION OF RESULTS # sigxy.plot(P$Pp,P$Pn,color.lim=c(-5,5),main="FDR") } } \keyword{hplot}