\name{ma.matrix} \alias{ma.matrix} \title{Calculation of moving average for a matrix} \description{Using a sliding square window this function produces the moving average for a matrix.} \usage{ma.matrix(X,av="median",delta= 2,edgeNA=FALSE )} \arguments{\item{X}{matrix} \item{av}{averaging by \emph{mean} or \emph{median} (default)} \item{delta}{integer determining the size of the sliding square window (2*delta+1)x(2*delta+1).} \item{edgeNA}{treatment of edges of array: For \code{edgeNA=TRUE}, averaged values of sliding windows are set to NA if the corresponding windows extend over the edges of the matrix.} } \details{A square window with size (2*delta+1)x(2*delta+1) is moved over the entire matrix and a new matrix is created with each value equals the average value in the corresponding window. This procedure defines a local regression of zeroth order. } \value{Matrix with average values of matrix \code{X}. } \author{Matthias E. Futschik (\url{http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~futschik})} \seealso{\code{ma.vector}}} \examples{ ### LOADING DATA data(sw) ### GENERATION OF MATRIX Morig <- v2m(maM(sw)[,1],Ngc=maNgc(sw),Ngr=maNgr(sw),Nsc=maNsc(sw),Nsr=maNsr(sw),visu=TRUE) ### AVERAGING BY MA.MATRIX Mav <- ma.matrix(Morig,av="median",delta= 2,edgeNA=FALSE ) ### VISUALISATION m2v(Mav,Ngc=maNgc(sw),Ngr=maNgr(sw),Nsc=maNsc(sw),Nsr=maNsr(sw),visu=TRUE) } \keyword{utilities} \keyword{regression}