\name{qscore.summary} \alias{qscore.summary.arrayCGH} \alias{qscore.summary} \title{Compute quality scores for a given arrayCGH object} \description{ Compute useful quality scores for the \code{arrayCGH} and display them in a convenient way } \details{ This function is used by the function \code{html.report} for the generation of an HMTL report of the normalization step. It can also be used by itself. } \value{ A data.frame with 3 columns: \item{name}{qscore name} \item{label}{qscore label} \item{qscore}{quality qscore} } \usage{qscore.summary.arrayCGH(arrayCGH, qscore.list)} \arguments{ \item{arrayCGH}{an object of type \code{arrayCGH}} \item{qscore.list}{a list of objects of type \code{\link{qscore}}} } \author{Pierre Neuvial, \email{manor@curie.fr}.} \note{People interested in tools for array-CGH analysis can visit our web-page: \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \examples{ data(qscores) data(spatial) ## define a list of qscores qscore.list <- list(clone=clone.qscore, pct.clone=pct.clone.qscore, pct.spot=pct.spot.qscore, pct.replicate=pct.replicate.qscore, smoothness=smoothness.qscore, dyn.x=dyn.x.qscore, dyn.y=dyn.y.qscore, var.replicate=var.replicate.qscore) ## compute quality scores for a couple of normalized arrays gradient.norm$quality <- qscore.summary.arrayCGH(gradient.norm, qscore.list) print(gradient.norm$quality[, 2:3]) qscore.list$dyn.x$args$test <- 23 qscore.list$dyn.y$args$test <- 24 edge.norm$quality <- qscore.summary.arrayCGH(edge.norm, qscore.list) print(edge.norm$quality[, 2:3]) } \keyword{} \seealso{\code{\link{qscore}}, \code{\link{qscore.summary}}, \code{\link{html.report}}}