\name{plotHilbertCurve} \alias{plotHilbertCurve} \title{ Plotting the Hilbert curve (for demonstation purposes). } \description{ This function plots the Hilbert curve fractal at a chosen iteration level in order to give you an impression how it looks like. } \usage{plotHilbertCurve( lv, new.page = TRUE )} \arguments{ \item{lv}{The iteration level. A Hilbert curve of level \code{lv} spans a square with side length \code{2^lv} (coordinates ranging from 0 to \code{2^lv-1}) and has \code{4^lv} points. Values \code{lv > 7} will take very long and yield a cluttered mash of undistuingishable lines.} \item{new.page}{Boolean indicating whether to start a new graphics page (default: yes).} } \value{An invisble NULL is returned. Furthermore, a plot is created.} \author{ Simon Anders, EMBL-EBI, \email{sanders@fs.tum.de}} \seealso{ \code{\link{hilbertCurve}} } \examples{ plotHilbertCurve( 3 ) }