\name{RankingPermutation-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{RankingPermutation-methods} \alias{RankingPermutation,matrix,numeric-method} \alias{RankingPermutation,matrix,factor-method} \alias{RankingPermutation,ExpressionSet,character-method} \title{Ranking based on permutation tests.} \description{The function is a wrapper for \code{mt.sample.teststat} from the package \code{multtest}. The ranking is here based on permutation p-values first, followed by the absolute value of the statistic.} \section{Methods}{ The input (gene expression and class labels) can be given in three different ways: \describe{ \item{x = "matrix", y = "numeric"}{signature 1} \item{x = "matrix", y = "factor"}{signature 2} \item{x = "ExpressionSet", y = "character"}{signature 3} } For further argument and output information, consult \link{RankingPermutation}. } \keyword{univar}