\name{GOLeaves} \alias{GOLeaves} \title{DEPRECATED Identify the leaves in a GO Graph } \description{ This function is DEPRECATED. Use the \code{leaves} function in the graph package instead. See the example below. Given a GO graph this function returns the node labels for all leaves in the graph. A leaf is defined to be a node with only out-edges and no in-edges. } \usage{ GOLeaves(inG) } \arguments{ \item{inG}{An instance of a GO graph. } } \details{ All nodes in \code{inG} are inspected for in-edges and those with none are returned. This should probably be replaced by a function in the graph package that identifies leaves, there is nothing special about GO here. } \value{ A vector of the node labels for those nodes with no in-edges. } \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{makeGOGraph}}} \examples{ g1 <- oneGOGraph("GO:0003680", GOMFPARENTS) g2 <- oneGOGraph("GO:0003701", GOMFPARENTS) g3 <- join(g1, g2) leaves(g3, "in") } \keyword{manip}