\name{glad} \encoding{latin1} \alias{glad} \alias{glad.profileCGH} \title{Analysis of array CGH data} \description{ This function allows the detection of breakpoints in genomic profiles obtained by array CGH technology and affects a status (gain, normal or lost) to each clone. } \usage{ \method{glad}{profileCGH}(profileCGH, mediancenter=FALSE, smoothfunc="lawsglad", bandwidth=10, round=1.5, model="Gaussian", lkern="Exponential", qlambda=0.999, base=FALSE, sigma, lambdabreak=8, lambdacluster=8, lambdaclusterGen=40, type="tricubic", param=c(d=6), alpha=0.001, msize=5, method="centroid", nmax=8, assignGNLOut=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{profileCGH}{Object of class \code{\link{profileCGH}}} \item{mediancenter}{If \code{TRUE}, LogRatio are center on their median.} \item{smoothfunc}{Type of algorithm used to smooth \code{LogRatio} by a piecewise constant function. Choose either \code{lawsglad}, \code{\link[aws]{aws}} or \code{\link[aws]{laws}}.} \item{bandwidth}{Set the maximal bandwidth \code{hmax} in the \code{\link[aws]{aws}} or \code{\link[aws]{laws}} function. For example, if \code{bandwidth=10} then the \code{hmax} value is set to 10*\eqn{X_N} where \eqn{X_N} is the position of the last clone.} \item{round}{The smoothing results are rounded or not depending on the \code{round} argument. The \code{round} value is passed to the argument \code{digits} of the \code{\link[base]{round}} function.} \item{model}{Determines the distribution type of the LogRatio. Keep always the model as "Gaussian" (see \code{\link[aws]{laws}}).} \item{lkern}{Determines the location kernel to be used (see \code{\link[aws]{aws}} or \code{\link[aws]{laws}}).} \item{qlambda}{Determines the scale parameter for the stochastic penalty (see \code{\link[aws]{aws}} or \code{\link[aws]{laws}})} \item{base}{If \code{TRUE}, the position of clone is the physical position onto the chromosome, otherwise the rank position is used.} \item{sigma}{Value to be passed to either argument \code{sigma2} of\code{ \link[aws]{aws}} function or \code{shape} of \code{\link[aws]{laws}}. If \code{NULL}, sigma is calculated from the data.} \item{lambdabreak}{Penalty term (\eqn{\lambda'}) used during the \bold{Optimization of the number of breakpoints} step.} \item{lambdacluster}{Penalty term (\eqn{\lambda*}) used during the \bold{MSHR clustering by chromosome} step.} \item{lambdaclusterGen}{Penalty term (\eqn{\lambda*}) used during the \bold{HCSR clustering throughout the genome} step.} \item{type}{Type of kernel function used in the penalty term during the \bold{Optimization of the number of breakpoints} step, the \bold{MSHR clustering by chromosome} step and the \bold{HCSR clustering throughout the genome} step.} \item{param}{Parameter of kernel used in the penalty term.} \item{alpha}{Risk alpha used for the \bold{Outlier detection} step.} \item{msize}{The outliers MAD are calculated on regions with a cardinality greater or equal to msize.} \item{method}{The agglomeration method to be used during the \bold{MSHR clustering by chromosome} and the \bold{HCSR clustering throughout the genome} clustering steps.} \item{nmax}{Maximum number of clusters (N*max) allowed during the the \bold{MSHR clustering by chromosome} and the \bold{HCSR clustering throughout the genome} clustering steps.} \item{assignGNLOut}{If \code{FALSE} the status (gain/normal/loss) is not assigned for outliers.} \item{verbose}{If \code{TRUE} some information are printed} \item{...}{} } \details{ The function \code{glad} implements the methodology which is described in the article : Analysis of array CGH data: from signal ratio to gain and loss of DNA regions (Hupé et al., Bioinformatics 2004 20(18):3413-3422). The principle of the GLAD algorithm: First, the detection of breakpoints is based on the estimation of a piecewise constant function with the Adaptive Weights Smoothing (AWS) procedure (Polzehl and Spokoiny, 2002). Thus, a procedure based on penalyzed maximum likelihood optimizes the number of breakpoints allows the undesirable breakpoints to be removed. Finally, based on the regions previously identified, a two-step unsupervised classification (\bold{MSHR clustering by chromosome} and the \bold{HCSR clustering throughout the genome}) with model selection criteria allows a status to be assigned for each region (gain, loss or normal). Main parameters to be tuned: \tabular{ll}{ \code{qlambda} \tab if you want the smoothing to fit some very local effect, choose a smaller \code{qlambda}. \cr \code{bandwidth} \tab choose a bandwidth not to small otherwise you will have a lot of little discontinuities. \cr \code{lambdabreak} \tab More the parameter is high more the number of undesirable breakpoints is high.\cr \code{lambdacluster} \tab More the parameter is high more the regions within a chromosome are supposed to belong to the same cluster. \cr \code{lambdaclusterGen} \tab More the parameter is high more the regions over the whole genome are supposed to belong to the same cluster. } } \value{ \item{ }{An object of class "profileCGH" with the following attributes:} \item{profileValues: }{a data.frame with the following added information: \itemize{ \item{\bold{Smoothing}}{The smoothing values correspond to the median of each \bold{MSHR (i.e. \code{Region}).}} \item{\bold{Breakpoints}}{The last position of a region with identical amount of DNA is flagged by 1 otherwise it is 0. Note that during the "Optimization of the number of breakpoints" step, removed breakpoints are flagged by -1.} \item{\bold{Region}}{Each position between two breakpoints are labelled the same way with an integer value starting from one. The label is incremented by one when a new breakpoints occurs or when moving to the next chromosome. The variable \code{region} is what we call MSHR.} \item{\bold{Level}}{Each position with equal smoothing value are labelled the same way with an integer value starting from one. The label is incremented by one when a new level occurs or when moving to the next chromosome.} \item{\bold{OutliersAws}}{Each AWS outliers are flagged by -1 or 1 otherwise it is 0.} \item{\bold{OutliersMad}}{Each MAD outliers are flagged by -1 (if it is in the \eqn{\alpha/2} lower tail of the distribution) or 1 (if it is in the \eqn{\alpha/2} upper tail of the distribution) otherwise it is 0.} \item{\bold{OutliersTot}}{OutliersAws + OutliersMad.} \item{\bold{ZoneChr}}{Clusters identified after \bold{MSHR (i.e. \code{Region}) clustering by chromosome}.} \item{\bold{ZoneGen}}{Clusters identified after \bold{HCSR clustering throughout the genome}.} \item{\bold{ZoneGNL}}{Status of each clone : Gain is coded by 1, Loss by -1 and Normal by 0.} } } \item{BkpInfo: }{the data.frame attribute \code{BkpInfo} which gives the list of breakpoints: \itemize{ \item{\bold{PosOrder}}{The rank position of each clone on the genome.} \item{\bold{PosBase}}{The base position of each clone on the genome.} \item{\bold{Chromosome}}{Chromosome name.} } } \item{SigmaC: }{the data.frame attribute \code{SigmaC} gives the estimation of the LogRatio standard-deviation for each chromosome: \itemize{ \item{\bold{Chromosome}}{Chromosome name.} \item{\bold{Value}}{The estimation is based on the Inter Quartile Range.} } } } \note{People interested in tools dealing with array CGH analysis can visit our web-page \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \author{Philippe Hupé, \email{glad@curie.fr}.} \seealso{\code{\link{profileCGH}}, \code{\link{as.profileCGH}}, \code{\link{plotProfile}}.} \keyword{models} \examples{ data(snijders) ### Creation of "profileCGH" object gm13330$Clone <- gm13330$BAC profileCGH <- as.profileCGH(gm13330) ########################################################### ### ### glad function as described in Hupé et al. (2004) ### ########################################################### res <- glad(profileCGH, mediancenter=FALSE, smoothfunc="lawsglad", bandwidth=10, round=1.5, model="Gaussian", lkern="Exponential", qlambda=0.999, base=FALSE, lambdabreak=8, lambdacluster=8, lambdaclusterGen=40, type="tricubic", param=c(d=6), alpha=0.001, msize=5, method="centroid", nmax=8, verbose=FALSE) ### Genomic profile on the whole genome plotProfile(res, unit=3, Bkp=TRUE, labels=FALSE, Smoothing="Smoothing", main="Breakpoints detection: GLAD analysis") ###Genomic profile for chromosome 1 plotProfile(res, unit=3, Bkp=TRUE, labels=TRUE, Chromosome=1, Smoothing="Smoothing", main="Chromosome 1: GLAD analysis") ### The standard-deviation of LogRatio are: res$SigmaC ### The list of breakpoints is: res$BkpInfo }