\name{gene.geneslist.sig} \alias{gene.geneslist.sig} \title{Compute 3 two-way table statistics and p-values, with 4 different adjustments, for PubMed co-citation} \description{ This function calculates Concordance, Jaccard's index and Hubert's $\Gamma$ with no adjustment, adjusting for paper size (PS), adjusting for gene size (GS) and both, to evaluate the significance of co-citation of a gene of interest and a gene list } \usage{ gene.geneslist.sig(gene, geneslist, paperLens = paperLen(), n.resamp=100) } \arguments{ \item{gene}{ The Entrez Gene ID for the gene of interest. } \item{geneslist}{The list of Entrez Gene IDs for genes with which the co-citation of the gene of interest is to be evaluated.} \item{paperLens}{The sizes of the PubMed papers for consideration. } \item{n.resamp}{Number of resampling for generating empirical p-values.} } \details{ } \value{ Statistics and resampling p-values for all 3 two-way tables along with the 4 adjustments for \code{gene} and \code{geneslist} based on \code{n.resamp} resamplings. } \references{Testing Gene Associations Using Co-citation, by B. Ding and R. Gentleman. Bioconductor Technical Report, 2004} \author{Beiying Ding} \seealso{\code{\link{actorAdjTable}},\code{\link{paperLen}}, \code{\link{twTStats}}, \code{\link{twowayTable}} } \examples{ gene <- "705" geneslist <- "7216" gene.geneslist.sig(gene, geneslist, n.resamp=50) } \keyword{manip}