\name{db.subset} \alias{db.subset} \title{Subset a descriptor database and return a sub-database for the selected compounds} \description{ 'db.subset' will take a descriptor database generated by 'cmp.parse' and an array of indecies, and return a new database for compounds corresponding to these indecies. The returned value is a descriptor database as returned by the \code{\link{cmp.parse}} function. } \usage{ db.subset(db, cmps) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{db}{The database generated by 'cmp.parse'} \item{cmps}{An array of indecies that correspond to a set of selected compounds from the database} } \details{ 'db.subset' creates a sub-database from 'db' by only including infomration that is relevant to compounds indexed by 'cmps'. } \value{ Return a descriptor database for the selected compounds. The format of the database is compatible with the one returned by \code{\link{cmp.parse}}. } \seealso{\code{\link{cmp.parse}}, \code{\link{sdf.subset}}} \examples{ # load sample database from web db <- cmp.parse("http://bioweb.ucr.edu/ChemMineV2/static/example_db.sdf") # create a sub-database for the 1st and 2nd compound in that SDF db_new <- db.subset(db, c(1, 2)) } \keyword{utilities}