\name{ParameterList-class} \docType{class} \alias{ParameterList-class} \alias{show,ParameterList-method} \title{Class "ParameterList" - List to store all the parameters } \description{ A simple list-based class for storing all the model parameters of a batch of microarray. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("ParameterList", parameter)} where parameter is a list. In the CALIB package, ParameterList objects are normally generated by function \code{\link[CALIB:estimateparameter]{estimateParameter}}. } \section{List Components}{ Objects should contain the following list components: \describe{ \item{\code{MuS}:}{ Spot parameter. Mean of spot capacity.} \item{\code{Ka}:}{ Hybridization constant.} \item{\code{P1}:}{ Respective slope of the linear dye saturation function. It is different for different dyes.} \item{\code{P2}:}{ Respective intercept of the linear dye saturation function. It is different for different dyes} \item{\code{SigmaA}:}{ Standard deviation of additive error. It is different for different dyes.} \item{\code{SigmaM}:}{ Standard deviation of multiplicative error.} \item{\code{SigmaS}:}{ Spot parameter. Standard deviation of spot capacity.} \item{\code{SpotError}:}{ numeric matrix containing spot error of all external control spikes on arrays} \item{\code{Method}:}{ boolean values indicating the way to calculate the measured intensities. It contains two subfields which are both logical value: BC and Area. BC indicates whether background corrected measured intensities are used. Area indicates whether spot area is used to calculate measured intensities. } \item{\code{ErrorModel}:}{ a character to represent the distribution of spot capacity. "L" means spot capacity follows \code{log normal} distribution. "N" means spot capacity follows \code{normal} distribution.} \item{\code{genes}:}{ data.frame containing information on spikes spotted on the arrays. Should include a character column Name containing names for all the spikes.} } See reference for more detailed explaination for these list components. } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"list"}, from data part. Class \code{"vector"}, by class \code{"list"}. } \section{Methods}{ This class inherits directly from class List. However since it represents the parameters of the calibration model for arrays, it makes on sense to run functions like \code{\link[CALIB:dim]{dim}}, \code{\link[CALIB:dimnames]{dimnames}},or \code{\link[CALIB:merge]{merge}} on this class. Therefore, only some operations appropriate for list will work on objects of this class. ParameterList objects can be \code{\link[CALIB:cbind]{cbind}} and \code{\link[CALIB:show]{show}} in a compact way. ParameterList objects are used on functions such as \code{\link[CALIB:normalizedata]{normalizeData}} or on some other data visualization functions like \code{\link[CALIB:plotspikehi]{plotSpikeHI}} in the CALIB package. } \references{ Engelen, K., Naudts, B., DeMoor, B., Marchal, K. (2006) A calibration method for estimating absolute expression levels from microarray data. Bioinformatics 22: 1251-1258.} \author{ Hui Zhao} \keyword{classes}