\name{AnnDbPkg-maker} \alias{AnnDbPkg-maker} \alias{AnnDbPkgSeed} \alias{class:AnnDbPkgSeed} \alias{AnnDbPkgSeed-class} \alias{makeAnnDbPkg} \alias{makeAnnDbPkg,AnnDbPkgSeed-method} \alias{makeAnnDbPkg,list-method} \alias{makeAnnDbPkg,character-method} \alias{loadAnnDbPkgIndex} \title{Creates an SQLite-based annotation package} \description{ Creates an SQLite-based annotation package from an SQLite file. } \usage{ makeAnnDbPkg(x, dbfile, dest_dir=".", no.man=FALSE, ...) loadAnnDbPkgIndex(file) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A AnnDbPkgSeed object, a list, a string or a regular expression. } \item{dbfile}{ The path to the SQLite containing the annotation data for the package to build. } \item{dest_dir}{ The directory where the package will be created. } \item{file}{ The path to a DCF file containing the list of annotation packages to build. } \item{no.man}{ If \code{TRUE} then no man page is included in the package. } \item{...}{ Extra args used for extra filtering. } } \details{ } \seealso{ \link{AnnDbPkg-checker} } \examples{ ## With a "AnnDbPkgSeed" object: seed <- new("AnnDbPkgSeed", Package="hgu133a2.db", Version="0.0.99", PkgTemplate="HUMANCHIP.DB", AnnObjPrefix="hgu133a2" ) if (FALSE) makeAnnDbPkg(seed, "path/to/hgu133a2.sqlite") ## With package names: ## (Note that in this case makeAnnDbPkg() will use the package descriptions ## found in the master index file ANNDBPKG-INDEX.TXT located in the ## AnnotationDbi package.) if (FALSE) makeAnnDbPkg(c("hgu95av2.db", "hgu133a2.db")) ## A character vector of length 1 is treated as a regular expression: if (FALSE) makeAnnDbPkg("hgu.*") ## To make all the packages described in the master index: if (FALSE) makeAnnDbPkg("") ## Extra args can be used to narrow down the roaster of packages to make: if (FALSE) { makeAnnDbPkg("", PkgTemplate="HUMANCHIP.DB", manufacturer="Affymetrix") makeAnnDbPkg(".*[3k]\\\\.db", species=c("Mouse", "Rat")) } ## The master index file ANNDBPKG-INDEX.TXT can be loaded with: loadAnnDbPkgIndex() } \keyword{utilities} \keyword{classes} \keyword{methods}