\name{AnnDbObj-objects} \docType{class} \alias{AnnDbObj-objects} % Classes \alias{AnnDbObj} \alias{class:AnnDbObj} \alias{AnnDbObj-class} % Accessor-like methods \alias{dbconn} \alias{dbconn,environment-method} \alias{dbconn,AnnDbObj-method} \alias{dbfile} \alias{dbfile,environment-method} \alias{dbfile,AnnDbObj-method} \alias{dbmeta} \alias{dbmeta,DBIConnection-method} \alias{dbmeta,environment-method} \alias{dbmeta,AnnDbObj-method} \alias{dbschema} \alias{dbschema,DBIConnection-method} \alias{dbschema,environment-method} \alias{dbschema,AnnDbObj-method} \alias{dbInfo} \alias{dbInfo,DBIConnection-method} \alias{dbInfo,environment-method} \alias{dbInfo,AnnDbObj-method} \title{AnnDbObj objects} \description{ The AnnDbObj class is the most general container for storing any kind of SQLite-based annotation data. } \details{ Many classes in AnnotationDbi inherit directly or indirectly from the AnnDbObj class. One important particular case is the \link{AnnDbBimap} class which is the lowest class in the AnnDbObj hierarchy to also inherit the \link{Bimap} interface. } \section{Accessor-like methods}{ In the code snippets below, \code{x} is an AnnDbObj object. \describe{ \item{}{ \code{dbconn(x)}: Return a connection object to the SQLite DB containing \code{x}'s data. } } \describe{ \item{}{ \code{dbfile(x)}: Return the path (character string) to the SQLite DB (file) containing \code{x}'s data. } } \describe{ \item{}{ \code{dbmeta(x, name)}: Print the value of metadata whose name is 'name'. Also works if \code{x} is a DBIConnection object. } } \describe{ \item{}{ \code{dbschema(x, file="", show.indices=FALSE)}: Print the schema definition of the SQLite DB. Also works if \code{x} is a DBIConnection object. The \code{file} argument must be a connection, or a character string naming the file to print to (see the \code{file} argument of the \code{\link[base]{cat}} function for the details). The CREATE INDEX statements are not shown by default. Use \code{show.indices=TRUE} to get them. } } \describe{ \item{}{ \code{dbInfo(x)}: Prints other information about the SQLite DB. Also works if \code{x} is a DBIConnection object. } } } \seealso{ \code{\link[DBI]{dbConnect}}, \code{\link[DBI]{dbListTables}}, \code{\link[DBI]{dbListFields}}, \code{\link[DBI]{dbGetQuery}}, \link{Bimap} } \examples{ library("hgu95av2.db") dbconn(hgu95av2ENTREZID) # same as hgu95av2_dbconn() dbfile(hgu95av2ENTREZID) # same as hgu95av2_dbfile() dbmeta(hgu95av2_dbconn(), "ORGANISM") dbmeta(hgu95av2_dbconn(), "DBSCHEMA") dbmeta(hgu95av2_dbconn(), "DBSCHEMAVERSION") library("DBI") dbListTables(hgu95av2_dbconn()) #lists all tables on connection ## If you use dbSendQuery instead of dbGetQuery ## (NOTE: for ease of use, this is defintitely NOT reccomended) ## Then you may need to know how to list results objects dbListResults(hgu95av2_dbconn()) #for listing results objects ## Sometimes you may want to see all the SQLite databases that are ## presently connected in your session. To do that you have to specify ## the driver: library("RSQLite") drvr <- dbDriver("SQLite") #gets the driver for SQLite dbListConnections(drvr) #List all DB Connections using drvr dbListFields(hgu95av2_dbconn(), "probes") dbListFields(hgu95av2_dbconn(), "genes") dbschema(hgu95av2ENTREZID) # same as hgu95av2_dbschema() ## According to the schema, the probes._id column references the genes._id ## column. Note that in all tables, the "_id" column is an internal id with ## no biological meaning (provided for allowing efficient joins between ## tables). ## To retrieve the mapping between manufacturer IDs and Entrez Gene IDs: dbGetQuery(hgu95av2_dbconn(), "SELECT * FROM probes INNER JOIN genes USING(_id) LIMIT 10") ## This mapping is in fact the ENTREZID map: toTable(hgu95av2ENTREZID)[1:10, ] # only relevant columns are retrieved dbInfo(hgu95av2GO) # same as hgu95av2_dbInfo() ##Advanced example: ##Sometimes you may wish to join data from across multiple databases at ##once: ## In the following example we will attach the GO database to the ## hgu95av2 database, and then grab information from separate tables ## in each database that meet a common criteria. library(hgu95av2.db) library("GO.db") attachSql <- paste('ATTACH "', GO_dbfile(), '" as go;', sep = "") dbGetQuery(hgu95av2_dbconn(), attachSql) sql <- 'SELECT DISTINCT a.go_id AS "hgu95av2.go_id", a._id AS "hgu95av2._id", g.go_id AS "GO.go_id", g._id AS "GO._id", g.term, g.ontology, g.definition FROM go_bp_all AS a, go.go_term AS g WHERE a.go_id = g.go_id LIMIT 10;' data <- dbGetQuery(hgu95av2_dbconn(), sql) data ## For illustration purposes, the internal id "_id" and the "go_id" ## from both tables is included in the output. This makes it clear ## that the "go_ids" can be used to join these tables but the internal ## ids can NOT. The internal IDs (which are always shown as _id) are ## suitable for joins within a single database, but cannot be used ## across databases. } \keyword{classes} \keyword{methods}