\name{readArr} \alias{readArr} \title{Read ARR sample attribute files} \description{ This functions reads the content of Affymetrix ARR sample attribute files created by GeneChip\textregistered{} Command Console. Objects are represented as R classes. Navigation and extraction of data are described in the vignette `Retrieving MAGE and ARR sample attributes'. } \usage{ readArr(fls, ...) } \arguments{ \item{fls}{A character vector containing the paths to files to be read.} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments, currently unused.} } \value{ An object or list of objects of class \code{ArrayFileSet}, depending on whether one or several file paths are provided. } \author{Martin Morgan} \seealso{ The vignette `Retrieving MAGE and ARR sample attributes' for detailed illustration of use. \code{\link{xclass}} and \code{\link{readXml}} for advanced access methods. } \examples{ dir <- system.file("extdata", "ARR", package="AffyCompatible") fls <- list.files(dir, full=TRUE) readArr(fls[[1]]) readArr(fls) } \keyword{classes}