\name{findRegions} \alias{findRegions} \title{Find all regions in data above p-value threshold} \description{ After the ACME calculation, each probe is associated with a p-value of enrichment. However, one often wants the contiguous regions associated with runs of p-values above a given p-value threshold. } \usage{ findRegions(calcobj, thresh = 1e-04) } \arguments{ \item{calcobj}{An \code{aGFFCalc} object} \item{thresh}{The p-value threshold} } \details{ Runs of p-values above the p-value threshold will be reported as one "region". These can be used for downstream analyses, export to browsers, submitted for transcription factor binding enrichment analyses, etc. } \value{ A data frame with these columns: \item{Length}{The length of the region in probes} \item{TF}{Either TRUE or FALSE; TRUE regions represent regions of enrichment while FALSE regions are the regions between the TRUE regions} \item{StartInd}{The starting Index of the region} \item{EndInd}{The ending Index of the region} \item{Sample}{The sample containing the region} \item{Chromosome}{The Chromosome of the region} \item{Start}{The starting basepairof the region} \item{End}{The ending basepair of the region} } \author{Sean Davis } \seealso{ \code{\link{do.aGFF.calc}}, \code{\link{findClosestGene}} } \examples{ data(example.agff) example.agffcalc <- do.aGFF.calc(example.agff,window=1000,thresh=0.9) foundregions <- findRegions(example.agffcalc,thresh=0.001) foundregions[1:6,] } \keyword{ manip }