Changes in version 1.14.0: o Improved interface compatibility (call-back functions) for some Java platforms. Changes in version 1.12.0: o Improved interactive layout algorithm. o User interface is simplified, some shortcuts have been added. o Final release cycle for some deprecated functions, moved to addGraph/getGraph related methods. o Deprecated plugin builder methods have been removed. Changes in version 1.10.0: o Improved graph attribute settings and interface. Changes in version 1.8.0: o Improved compatibility with igraph objects. o Additional arrow options to deal with directed graph associations. Changes in version 1.6.0: o Interface simplification: several deprecated low-level functions have been moved to the addGraph/getGraph related methods. o Dependence from igraph0 to igraph has been changed. o Re-established connection with igraph. Changes in version 1.4.0: o All graph attributes are now set via addGraph/getGraph methods. o Improved loading performance: better xml serialization, data packing and post formats. o Some routines have been simplified for better maintenance. Changes in version 1.2.0: o Improved loading performance, xml serialization, data packing and post formats. o Improved server/client connection. o Improved control over the app main features in R. o Correction/fine-tune of dynamic layout function under zoom-in/zoom-out requests. o Legend function is fixed for node/edge shape attributes. Changes in version 1.0.0: o 1st release of RedeR [2011-03-23].