Package: tigre ============== Version: 1.14.1 BUG FIXES * Various fixes for non-cascade ODE model (i.e. model not using TF mRNA data) (thanks to Andrea Ocone for the report) Version: 1.12.0 * Minor speed optimisation * Minor documentation reorganisation and updates Version: 1.8.0 NEW FEATURES * Direct support for variances for Illumina Bead Array data from lumi. * Prettier default plot style BUG FIXES * Fix to variance scaling in plots of models with TF mRNA measurements Version: 1.6.1 [2011-04-26] BUG FIXES * Fix: target ranking now works with >= 10 known targets (thanks to Jake Michaelson for the report) Version: 1.6.0 * Function documentation updates Version: 1.4.2 [2011-02-14] * Fix scoreList::sort when including NA values * Fixes for working with non-Affymetrix data * New citation information Version: 1.4.1 [2011-01-19] * Clarify output from model fitting and remove unnecessary warnings * Minor documentation improvements Version: 1.4.0 * Easier access to untransformed parameter values and other usability fixes * Add functionality to introduce priors to parameters * More sensible length scale bounds Version: 1.3.2 [2010-10-08] * Add database export for tigreBrowser * Make kernel computation numerically more robust Version: 1.2.1 [2010-09-20] * Fix baseline log-likelihood computation * Robustify against genes with constant zero expression * Fix package name in data files * Documentation and citation information updates Version: 1.2.0 * Same as 1.0.0, due to version numbering glitch Version: 1.0.0 [2010-04-22] * Documentation and citation information updates. Version: 0.9.4 [2010-04-12] * Rename the package to tigre to avoid a clash with a package in CRAN. Version: 0.9.3 (as tiger) [2010-04-07] * Make GPPlot more robust against numerical problems. * Fixes to GPRankTFs etc. Version: 0.9.2 (as tiger) [2010-04-01] * Initial version in Bioconductor.