Changes in version 1.5: o Added unit testing for the preprocessing algorithms. o Improved the speed of SWAN for large datasets. o Added the new class "GenomicRatioSet". It is akin to "GenomicMethylSet" but instead of containing Meth and Unmeth it contains M and/or Beta and copy number. o We now depend on illuminaio instead of crlmm in order to get readIDAT. o Added unsrturl.bst to minimize dependences for running Sweave. Changes in version 1.3: o Updated preprocessSwan to fix a bug when mSet was not set to the default value of NULL. Specifically, now the "counts" tables is used to construct "subset". o Changed the function manifestNew() to IlluminaMethylationManifest(). o Added IlluminaMethylationAnnotation(). o Added placeholders for unit testing based on RUnit. o Introduced a new show method for MethylSet and RGChannelSet, derived from the eSet method in Biobase. o The annotation slot of a MethylSet/RGChannelSet is now intended to _not_ be a scalar, but instead have length 2 with components 'array' and 'annotation'. This foreshadows introdution of annotation packages for use with minfi. o Reorganization of R files; rewriting of the man pages for MethylSet, RGChannelSet. o getMeth, getUnmeth, getBeta, getM are now methods. o bug fix to qcReport thanks to Tao Shi. o Changes to getBeta / getM, both in terms of which arguments the methods take and how the values are computed. o Changes to the manifest structure; it now has separate slots for genotype probes and these probes are no longer part of a MethylSet (using eg. preprocessRaw). They can be accessed using getProbeInfo(rgSet, type) with type equal to "SnpI" or "SnpII". o Introduction of mapToGenome, getLocations and the new class GenomicMethylSet. man pages are reasonably complete, still need to add examples to the vignette. This will be a standard part of an extended pipeline. o Introduction of IlluminaHumanMethylation450lannotation.ilmn.v1.2 which contains some new annotation needed for mapToGenome/getLocations. This package will be split into several packages moving forward, in an attempt to harmonize efforts by us and Tim Triche. getLocations/mapToGenome will stay the same. o getControlTypes added (returns the different types of control probes). o GenomicMethylSet now inherits a number of methods including granges(), start(), end() etc. from SummarizedExperiemnt. They have therefore been deleted from minfi. o Bugfix to getLocations(..., mergeManifest = TRUE). It now longer throws an error. o mapToGenome now returns a GenomicMethylSet ordered according to the chromosome name ordering chr1,..,chr22,chrX,chrY,unmapped, the last one not present if drop=TRUE (default). Changes in version 1.1: o Changed NAMESPACE file o Defined constructors for MethylSet, RGChannelSet, RGChannelSetExtended. o Included a version number in the class definition for MethylSet and RGChannelSet. Old objects can be updated by calls of the form updateObject(Mset). o read.manifest (not exported) updated to include nCpGs. o preprocessSwan was added. Still work in progress. o Changed background calculation in preprocessSwan. o Added a section to the vignette describing preprocessSwan. o Bug fix: ilogit2 is now in base (it used to be base e). Thanks to Time Triche, Jr . o Added and dcoumented the IlluminaMethylationAnnotation class; still work in progess. o Moved package vignette from inst/doc to vignettes. Changes in version 0.99: o Initial release to Bioconductor. o Added NEWS file. o Bugfix to vignette. o readIDAT is now exported by crlmm, implying that we can import this function through NAMESPACE.