*********************************** CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.3 NEW FEATURES o Add PCA function on Hi-C interaction map as in Lieberman-Aiden et al. 2009 BUG FIXES o HTCexp. Error in constructor when the interaction map has a dim = 1 o mapC. Bug fixed in the visualization of two interaction maps of different sizes. The scale was updated, and the annotation tracks is always drawn from the larger map. *********************************** CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.2 NEW FEATURES o New visualization for HTClist objects o New methods for HTClist objects o New HTClist class to manage list of HTCexp object (basically Hi-C data) SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Update of all man pages o Update of the Nora_5C data. E14 and MEF are now HTClist objects o Update of the importC/exportC function. The standard format is now matrix-based. This seems to be the most commonly used format. o Update of all mapC methods. The view parameter is removed. The HTCexp object are now displayed in the triangle view, whereas the HTClist are displayed in the heatmap view *********************************** CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.1 NEW FEATURES o MAJOR RELEASE : replace all GenomeIntervals objects by GRanges ones in order to improve the compatibility with other HT BioC packages SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o The ExtractRegion method has a new MARGIN parameter. The idea is the same than for any apply function. If MARGIN is equal to 1 (resp. 2, resp. c(1,2)), the region is extracted from the 'x' (resp. 'y', resp. both) intervals o Plot function. When two HTCexp objects are plot together, only the intersection of the 'x' and 'y' intervals are used. o The 'range' method now returns a GRanges object o Changes in the data windowing for the extreme bins o mapC requires a HTCexp object only. Objects from the matrix class are no longer allowed DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT o seq_name is now deprecated o export and normPerZscore are now defunct BUG FIXES o exportC. Bug fixed in bin coordinates o CQC. Bug fixed with NA values o mapC. Bug fixed in the visualization of annotation features. Select the annotation in the same chromosome space before plotting. o mapC. Bug fixed in the visualization of count values for interchromosomal data *********************************** CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.3 NEW FEATURES o Adding CITATION file DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT o Update of getExpectedCount function to use the lowess() function (stats). The 'C' call in stats is now deprecated *********************************** CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.2 NEW FEATURES o New package vignette o Add new normalization method - normPerTrans o Add importC and exportC function, to load and import csv file SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o The CQC function now returns a matrix o Simplify getExpectedCounts help page o Update of import.my5C function. Simplify the import for matrix data DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT o The export method is now replace by exportC. The standard csv format is now exported. o The normPerZscore method is depracted. See normPerExpected instead o Remove Bau et al. 5C dataset BUG FIXES o isBinned. Fix bug for interchromosomal interactions o extracRegion. Add a chromosome parameter, and changes for interchromosomal data o binningC. Changes for interchromosomal maps o Sort xgi and ygi objects when the HTCexp constructor is called o Force the xgi and ygi objects to have some ids *********************************** CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.1 NEW FEATURES o Include the Nora et al (Nature 2012) 5C dataset (GSE35721).Two mouse samples are included in the package ; male undifferentiated ES cells (E14, GSM873935) and male embryonic fibroblasts (MEF, GSM873924). Only the cis interaction maps chrX vs chX are provided.