CoGAPS requires GAPS-JAGS available from,, or This c++ package is a redistribution of JAGS version 2.1.0 with a module implementing the GAPS matrix decomposition for microarray data. Please see the installation instructions in the users manual. If you have any questions, please comment Elana Fertig or Michael Ochs . 01Sep2011 - Removed dependency on rjags package on CRAN 02Sep2011 - Included loading of jags libraries upon package loading to avoid setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable 01Aug2012 - Incorporated statistic to quantify inferred membership of each gene in a specified gene set with corresponding examples published in Fertig, Favorov, and Ochs (2012) IEEE Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (B310). 02Jan2013 - Updated link to software 03Mar2013 - Added smooth plotting and utilities to do pattern matching and updated statistic from August to work with multiple contexts