\name{y2h} \alias{y2h} \docType{data} \title{A data set documenting the bait to prey associations for the y2h empirical data-sets as found within the IntAct repository.} \usage{data(y2h)} \format{ The format is: chr "y2h" } \description{ This data set is the bait to prey assocation after the function createBPList has been called on three entries of intActPPIData: indexSetAll, baitsSystematic, preysSystematic. The structure of this R data object is a three-tiered list. The first (or top) tier of the list has 42 sub-lists corresponding to the 42 y2h data-sets found within IntAct. Each sub-list is named by the corresponding experimentor and the date of publication. Each one of these sub-lists contains a set of lists; each of these lists is named by an individual viable bait of that experiment. Each viable bait list contains a character vector of the viable preys dectect by the corresponding viable bait. For a more in depth summary, please see the intactPPIData.Rnw file. } \examples{ data(y2h) } \keyword{datasets}