\name{MsetEx} \alias{MsetEx} \docType{data} \title{ An example dataset for Illumina's Human Methylation 450k dataset, after preprocessing. } \description{ This contains the raw data for 6 samples from Illumina's Human Methylation 450k dataset. The data has been preprocessed. } \usage{data(MsetEx)} \format{ An object of class \code{"MethylSet"} } \details{ Currently, the pheno data for these 6 samples are masked. Scripts for creating the object is found in the \code{scripts} directory of the package and \code{extdata} contains the IDAT files. The data has been preprocessed using \code{preprocessRaw}. } \seealso{ \code{\link[minfi]{MethylSet-class}} for the class definition, \code{\link[minfi]{preprocessRaw}} for the preprocessing function, \code{\link{RGsetEx}} for the companion raw data. } \examples{ data(MsetEx) pData(MsetEx) } \keyword{datasets}