\name{hgu2beta7SUMFUNC} \alias{hgu2beta7SUMFUNC} \title{Mappings between probe identifiers and summaries of the functions of genes represented by the probe identifiers} \description{ hgu2beta7SUMFUNC maps probe identifiers to brief summaries of functions of the products of genes represented by the probe identifiers } \details{ Annotation of genes by brief summaries of functions of the products of genes represented by the probe identifiers were supported by earlier builds of the LocusLink source data but not so lately. This annotation may have to be dropped in the future. Mappings were based on data provided by: LocusLink:\url{ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/refseq/LocusLink/LL_tmpl.gz}. Built: February 16, 2005 Package built Wed Feb 16 23:32:20 2005 } \references{ \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/LocusLink} } \examples{ # Convert the environment to a list xx <- as.list(hgu2beta7SUMFUNC) if(length(xx) > 0){ # The function summaries for the first two elements of XX xx[1:2] # Get the first one xx[[1]] } } \keyword{datasets}