\name{hgu2beta7QC} \alias{hgu2beta7QC} \alias{hgu2beta7MAPCOUNTS} \title{Quality control information for hgu2beta7} \description{ A data file containing statistics for all the data files in this package. The data are used for quality control purpose } \details{ This file contains quality control information that can be displayed by typing hgu2beta7() after loading the package using library(hgu2beta7). The follow items are included: Date built: Date when the package was built. Number of probes: total number of probes included Probe number missmatch: if the total number of probes of any of the data file is different from a base file used to check the data files the name of the data file will be listed Probe missmatch: if any of probes in a data file missmatched that of the base file, the name of the data file will be listed Mappings found for probe based files: number of mappings obtained for the total number of probes Mappings found for non-probe based files: total number of mappings obtained } \keyword{datasets}