\name{hgu2beta7CHRLOC} \alias{hgu2beta7CHRLOC} \title{Mappings between probe identifiers and the chromosomal locations of the genes represented by the probe identifiers} \description{ hgu2beta7CHRLOC maps probe ids to the starting positions of the genes represented by the probe ids on chromosomes. The position of a gene is measured as the number of base pairs. } \details{ Chromosomal locations on both the sense and antisense strands are measured as the number of base pairs from the p (5' end of the sense strand) to q (3' end of the sense strand) arms. Chromosomal locations on the antisense strand have a leading "-" sign (e. g. -1234567). NAs are assigned to probe ids whose chromosomal locations are not known. Since a given gene may have more than one chromosomal locations, each probe id is mapped to a named vector of length 1 or greater. The names of each vector give the chromosome number where the genes reside. When a gene can be mapped to a given chromosome but the exact location of the gene can not be determined with confidence, "random" is appended to the end of the name for a chromosomal location value. Mappings were based on data provided by: Golden Path:\url{http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg17/database/}. Built: hg17 Package built Wed Feb 16 23:32:20 2005 } \examples{ # Covert to a list xx <- as.list(hgu2beta7CHRLOC) # Remove probe ids that do not map to any CHRLOC xx <- xx[!is.na(xx)] if(length(xx) > 0){ # Gets the location for the first five probes xx[1:5] # Gets the first one xx[[1]] } } \keyword{datasets}