\name{juxtaPlot} \alias{juxtaPlot} \alias{c19g} \alias{sOSR2} \alias{demoPGM1ssr} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ two-panel plot with track info and snp screen t-values } \description{ two-panel plot with track info and snp screen t-values } \usage{ juxtaPlot(trk, ssr, locstr) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{trk}{ instance of \code{\linkS4class{hg18track}}} \item{ssr}{ instance of GGtools \code{snpScreenResult} } \item{locstr}{ matrix with 2 rows: rsid (numeric component of dbSNP id) and loc } } \details{ \code{xyplot} of lattice package is used. } \value{ \code{xyplot} output; use \code{print} in Sweave. } %\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{ VJ Carey } %\note{ ~~further notes~~ % % ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ %} %\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ } \examples{ \dontrun{ # see vignette data(sOSR2) data(c19g) # track excerpt juxtaPlot(c19g, sOSR2) } } \keyword{ models }