\name{rawCd4DnaseI} \alias{rawCd4DnaseI} \alias{rawHelaDnaseI} \alias{rawCD4} \title{A data frame with information on the UCSC browser track related to DNaseI hypersensitivity } \description{A data frame with information on the UCSC browser track related to DNaseI hypersensitivity; the rawCD4 object is an eSet extension representing the same information; rawHelaDnaseI is like rawCD4 but results on Hela cells. } \usage{ data(rawCd4DnaseI) data(rawHelaDnaseI) data(rawCD4) } \details{ Obtained from a MySQL representation of the data distributed at the Genome Browser FTP site } \value{ a data.frame } \references{\url{hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu} ... it appears that they do not offer the MYD/MYI representations, just the txt.gz and sql files now. So if you obtain the encodeNhgriDnaseHsChipRawCd4.txt and .sql files at goldenPath/currentGenomes/Homo\_Sapiens/encode/database, you can reconstruct the underlying data for this data.frame (hg18, Nov 2007).} \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ data(rawCd4DnaseI) dim(rawCd4DnaseI) rawCd4DnaseI[1:5,] library(lattice) xyplot(dataValue~chromStart|chrom, data=rawCd4DnaseI, subset=chrom \%in\% c("chr1", "chr10", "chr19", "chr20"), scales=list(x=list(relation="free"))) } \keyword{ models }