\name{cnvGSAdata-package} \alias{cnvGSAdata-package} \alias{cnvGSAdata} \docType{package} \title{ Data used in the examples and vignette of the cnvGSA package } \description{ This package contains data used in the examples and vignette of the cnvGSA package. } \details{ Raw input files: \code{\link{cnv.gvf}} - CNV data \code{\link{gsData.gmt}} - Gene-set data \code{\link{merge_00k_flank_hg18_refGene_jun_2011_exon.gff}} - Gene map for exons \code{\link{merge_00k_flank_hg18_refGene_jun_2011_transcript.gff}} - Gene map for transcripts \code{\link{s2class.txt}} - Sample-to-class information (for the CNV data) Pre-built input: \code{\link{cnvGSA_input_example.RData}} Saved output: \code{\link{cnvGSA_output_example.RData}} } \author{Robert Ziman \email{rziman@gmail.com}}