\name{cnvGSA_output_example.RData} \alias{cnvGSA_output_example.RData} \alias{output} \docType{data} \title{cnvGSA example output} \description{ Saved output from the full workflow example in the \code{cnvGSA} vignette. } \details{ The dataset contains \code{output}, a single object of class \code{CnvGSAOutput} as defined in the \code{cnvGSA} package. \code{CnvGSAOutput} is a simple S4 class containing a slot for each data structure output by \code{cnvGSAFisher} (the main function in the package): \describe{ \item{\code{cnvData}}{} \item{\code{enrRes}}{} \item{\code{burdenSample}}{} \item{\code{burdenGs}}{} \item{\code{geneData}}{} } cnvData contains the original and filtered CNV data, enrRes contains the gene-set enrichment results, and burdenSample, burdenGs, and geneData contain burden analysis and gene-centric statistics that can be used to ensure the validity of the enrichment results. See the \code{cnvGSA} vignette for complete details and discussion. } \usage{data("cnvGSA_output_example")}