\name{cnvGSA_input_example.RData} \alias{cnvGSA_input_example.RData} \alias{input} \docType{data} \title{cnvGSA example input} \description{ Pre-built input used in the full workflow example in the \code{cnvGSA} vignette. } \details{ The dataset contains \code{input}, a single object of class \code{CnvGSAInput} as defined in the \code{cnvGSA} package. When processed by \code{cnvGSAFisher()} -- the main function in that package -- it produces as its output an object of class \code{CnvGSAOutput} (such as the one stored in cnvGSA_output_example.RData). } \usage{data("cnvGSA_input_example")}