\name{mainz} \alias{mainz} \docType{data} \title{Gene expression, annotations and clinical data from Schmidt et al. 2008} \description{ This dataset contains the gene expression, annotations and clinical data as published in Schmidt et al. 2008. } \usage{data(mainz)} \format{ ExpressionSet with 22283 features and 200 samples, containing: \itemize{ \item \code{exprs(mainz)}: Matrix containing gene expressions as measured by Affymetrix hgu133a technology (single-channel, oligonucleotides). \item \code{fData(mainz)}: AnnotatedDataFrame containing annotations of Affy microarray platform hgu133a. \item \code{pData(mainz)}: AnnotatedDataFrame containing Clinical information of the breast cancer patients whose tumors were hybridized. \item \code{experimentalData(mainz)}: MIAME object containing information about the dataset. \item \code{annotation(mainz)}: Name of the affy chip. } } \details{ This dataset represents the study published by Schmidt et al. 2008. \itemize{ \item \code{Abstract}: Estrogen receptor (ER) expression and proliferative activity are established prognostic factors in breast cancer. In a search for additional prognostic motifs, we analyzed the gene expression patterns of 200 tumors of patients who were not treated by systemic therapy after surgery using a discovery approach. After performing hierarchical cluster analysis, we identified coregulated genes related to the biological process of proliferation, steroid hormone receptor expression, as well as B-cell and T-cell infiltration. We calculated metagenes as a surrogate for all genes contained within a particular cluster and visualized the relative expression in relation to time to metastasis with principal component analysis. Distinct patterns led to the hypothesis of a prognostic role of the immune system in tumors with high expression of proliferation-associated genes. In multivariate Cox regression analysis, the proliferation metagene showed a significant association with metastasis-free survival of the whole discovery cohort [hazard ratio (HR), 2.20; 95\% confidence interval (95\% CI), 1.40-3.46]. The B-cell metagene showed additional independent prognostic information in carcinomas with high proliferative activity (HR, 0.66; 95\% CI, 0.46-0.97). A prognostic influence of the B-cell metagene was independently confirmed by multivariate analysis in a first validation cohort enriched for high-grade tumors (n = 286; HR, 0.78; 95\% CI, 0.62-0.98) and a second validation cohort enriched for younger patients (n = 302; HR, 0.83; 95\% CI, 0.7-0.97). Thus, we could show in three cohorts of untreated, node-negative breast cancer patients that the humoral immune system plays a pivotal role in metastasis-free survival of carcinomas of the breast. } } \source{ \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE11121} } \references{ Marcus Schmidt and Daniel Boehm and Christian von Toerne and Eric Steiner and Alexander Puhl and Heryk Pilch and Hans-Anton Lehr and Jan G. Hengstler and Hainz Koelbl and Mathias Gehrmann (2008)"The Humoral Immune System Has a Key Prognostic Impact in Node-Negative Breast Cancer", \emph{Cancer Research}, \bold{68}(13):5405-5413 } \examples{ ## load Biobase package library(Biobase) ## load the dataset data(mainz) ## show the first 5 rows and columns of the expression data exprs(mainz)[1:5,1:5] ## show the first 6 rows of the phenotype data head(pData(mainz)) ## show first 20 feature names featureNames(mainz)[1:20] ## show the experiment data summary experimentData(mainz) ## show the used platform annotation(mainz) ## show the abstract for this dataset abstract(mainz) } \keyword{datasets}