This package is for version 2.11 of Bioconductor;
for the stable, up-to-date release version, see
Genome wide annotation for Human
Bioconductor version: 2.11
Genome wide annotation for Human, primarily based on mapping using Entrez Gene identifiers.
Author: Marc Carlson
Maintainer: Biocore Data Team <biocannotation at>
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biocViews |
AnnotationData, Homo_sapiens, OrgDb, humanLLMappings |
Version |
2.8.0 |
License |
Artistic-2.0 |
Depends |
R (>= 2.7.0), methods, AnnotationDbi(>= 1.19.35) |
Imports |
methods, AnnotationDbi |
LinkingTo |
Suggests |
annotate, RUnit |
SystemRequirements |
Enhances |
Depends On Me |
adme16cod.db, AnnotationForge, cgdv17, ChIPpeakAnno, CoCiteStats, GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1.db, h10kcod.db, h20kcod.db, hcg110.db, hgfocus.db, hgu133a.db, hgu133a2.db, hgu133b.db, hgu133plus2.db, hgu219.db, hgu95a.db, hgu95av2.db, hgu95b.db, hgu95c.db, hgu95d.db, hgu95e.db, hguatlas13k.db, hgubeta7.db, hguDKFZ31.db, hgug4100a.db, hgug4101a.db, hgug4110b.db, hgug4111a.db, hgug4112a.db, hgug4845a.db, hguqiagenv3.db, hi16cod.db, Homo.sapiens, hs25kresogen.db, Hs6UG171.db, HsAgilentDesign026652.db, hthgu133a.db, hthgu133b.db, hu35ksuba.db, hu35ksubb.db, hu35ksubc.db, hu35ksubd.db, hu6800.db, hugene10stprobeset.db, hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db, hugene11stprobeset.db, hugene11sttranscriptcluster.db, HuO22.db, hwgcod.db, IlluminaHumanMethylation27k.db, IlluminaHumanMethylation450k.db, illuminaHumanv1.db, illuminaHumanv2.db, illuminaHumanv2BeadID.db, illuminaHumanv3.db, illuminaHumanv4.db, illuminaHumanWGDASLv3.db, illuminaHumanWGDASLv4.db, JazaeriMetaData.db, LAPOINTE.db, lumiHumanAll.db, m10kcod.db, m20kcod.db, methyAnalysis, mi16cod.db, Mulder2012, mwgcod.db, Norway981.db, nugohs1a520180.db, OperonHumanV3.db, PartheenMetaData.db, pedbarrayv10.db, pedbarrayv9.db, POCRCannotation.db, porcine.db, r10kcod.db, ri16cod.db, Roberts2005Annotation.db, rwgcod.db, SHDZ.db, u133x3p.db |
Imports Me |
clusterProfiler, DOSE, FunciSNP, GOSemSim, graphite |
Suggests Me |
annotate, AnnotationDbi, AnnotationFuncs, BiocCaseStudies, categoryCompare, cnvGSA, eisa, gage, GeneAnswers, globaltest, gmapR, goProfiles, goseq, GOstats, GSEABase, hpar, HTSanalyzeR, HTSeqGenie, ind1KG, KEGGgraph, limma, MLP, oneChannelGUI, PGSEA, ReactomePA, RmiR, RpsiXML, RTopper, rtracklayer, virtualArray |
Package Archives
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package in your R session.